What Has Been a Long Term Effect of the Sykes Picot Agreement

Von 20. September 2023Allgemein

The Sykes-Picot Agreement, signed between the United Kingdom and France in 1916, is one of the most controversial political treaties in modern history. The secret agreement divided up the Ottoman Empire into several spheres of influence and marked the beginning of a new era in Middle Eastern history. The long term effects of the Sykes-Picot Agreement have been profound, shaping the political landscape of the Middle East to this day.

One of the most significant long term effects of the Sykes-Picot Agreement was the creation of artificial borders that disregarded ethnic and religious affiliations. The agreement drew arbitrary borders that split up communities, creating new nation-states that did not take into account the various ethnicities and religious groups that were already living in the region. This created a breeding ground for tensions and conflicts that have continued to this day.

The artificial borders set up by the Sykes-Picot Agreement led to the creation of several states that had little cultural or historical coherence. The states that were carved out of the Ottoman Empire had no identity of their own and were almost entirely dependent on the colonial powers that created them. This legacy of dependency and instability is still evident in many of the Middle Eastern countries that were created as a result of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

Another long term effect of the Sykes-Picot Agreement was the relegation of the Arab world to a secondary position in international affairs. The agreement effectively created a situation where external powers had control over the region, leading to a sense of powerlessness among Arab leaders and the people they governed. This has resulted in a long-term sense of resentment and frustration towards the West that still exists in many parts of the Arab world today.

Additionally, the Sykes-Picot Agreement was instrumental in setting the stage for the rise of extremist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS). The arbitrary borders created by the agreement led to the marginalization and oppression of many ethnic and religious groups, creating fertile ground for the rise of violent and radical organizations. The chaos and instability that ensued in the aftermath of the agreement as a result of the fragmentation of the Middle East provided the perfect environment for these groups to thrive.

In conclusion, the long term effects of the Sykes-Picot Agreement have been profound and far-reaching. From the creation of artificial borders to the marginalization of ethnic and religious groups, the agreement has shaped the political landscape of the Middle East for over a century. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern politics, it is essential to understand the historical context of the region and the role that treaties such as Sykes-Picot have played in shaping it.